Watch Stunning Video of Hang Glider Flight Off Casper Mountain
For those of us that live here, we know that Casper is a beautiful place. It looks even better when you see it from the view of a hang glider who captured video of his flight off of Casper Mountain.
Kevin Christopherson shared this video on Facebook of his Sunday flight off of Casper Mountain.
If you've ever attempted hang gliding, you know it's not for the faint of heart. Kevin obviously has some mad skills while gravity and I have never gotten along well.
Kevin's video inspired me to look up what the cost might be to take up the sport of hang gliding. One site I found at Kitty Hawk (great flying website name, by the way) showed a new hang glider for between $4,000 and $5,000. The US Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association recommends that if you buy a used hang glider, make sure to fly it first. They have a good pro-tip:
DON'T purchase a glider that was made before 1979. Period! The money you'll save won't justify the hassle and possible danger you may subject yourself to.
I'm gonna defer back to my fear of heights to say this isn't a good idea for me anyway, so no used glider problems here.
Kudos to Kevin for his video share so we can all see what we in Casper look like from the viewpoint of an eagle.