WOW. Okay.

Just how much snow actually did fall at the Casper/Natrona County Airport in Wyoming?

How tall do you think that guy is?

That's how much.

The airport posted this photo with the caption "This is why our snow blower is bigger than yours."

As of Tuesday morning, 01/31/23 runway 26, or 8 if you are landing from the other direction, is still closed due to have snow and impacted ice.

The machine they are using, which you can see in the background, is much like the one that drove down my street, clearing heavy snow drifts.

But this photo was taken before the weekend storm. They were clearing in anticipation.

After the storm, the snow is now much higher.


Snow totals across Wyoming are high.

Digging out this time is taking some seriously heavy equipment.

You might think skiers would love it. But they have to be able to get to where they can ski, and for a while, they could not.

Snowy Range in southern Wyoming closed down.

It was impossible to get on top of Casper Mountain for a couple of days.

Better ski in your backyard or down your street. At least you can get to that.

The cart below shows that Casper broke records for January with last weekend's snow.

attachment-Casper snow totals january 2023

The good news is, we don't need to worry much about water this next year.

Earth has 4 seasons, as you know.

But meteorologist and climate experts will tell you that there are longer seasons beyond that.

Years of drought and flood, and sometimes in between.

At times Earth has gone through ice ages.

At times this planet has not had polar ice caps.

We are in the middle stage right now, here on planet earth.

We are just now coming out of a 3-year drought.

Bring on the snow.

WEIRD Wyoming Snow Drifts April Blizzard 2022

Wyoming Shelter Dogs Having Fun In The Snow

If you enjoy these pictures, please consider following the links above to give back to these organizations that help feed and shelter Wyoming animals, especially on snowy days like this: 

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