25 Things That You Will Only Understand If You Live In Casper
Casper may not be the biggest city in the country, but we have plenty of idiosyncrasies to differentiate us from other areas.
To help us compile a list, we took to our social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), to find our what our listeners thought: You wouldn't understand unless you lived in Casper.
Whether you were born here or a transplant, these are the top 25 things you must experience to be considered a Casperite.
- You know 4WD isn't an option on a vehicle... it's a necessity
- You've eaten at Peaches
- You've eaten at Hamburger Stand
- You've eaten at Taco John's
- You've cruised the strip
- You've almost died climbing the falls
- You've been to a show or concert at the Events Center
- You've gotten used to being 2 1/2 hours from everything
- You've experienced Gravity Hill
- You've had to chase down your trash can outside
- Your smaller children have been blown away by the wind
- You've gone to school or work with 2-feet of snow outside
- 40 degrees is shorts and tank top weather
- You've experienced all 4 seasons in one week (or day!)
- You measure distance in time rather than miles
- You've had your Christmas decorations completely blown away
- You know who Thomas Gobbles is
- You've had to stop in traffic because of Thomas Gobbles
- You know directions (east & west) by which Wal-Mart you live closest too
- You know where other Wyoming cars are from by their license plates
- You have a legal gun and you know how to use it
- You don't let hurricane wind speeds stop you from enjoying the great outdoors
- It's dark outside when you go to work and it's dark again by the time you're off
- You've heard a friend, family member or co-worker say: hold my beer, watch this
- You get tired of telling outsiders not everyone rides a horse & you do own a car
Did you noticed you were laughing and nodding in agreement as you read the list? Did we miss any? If so, comment below and share this with your friends... especially if you’re proud to live in Casper!