Casper Focused Facebook Page Trying To Help You Find Work
Facebook isn't just about sharing meme's, complaining and making people feel bad. It's used for good things too.
There is a Facebook group called 'Casper Help Wanted' that is dedicated to help folks that are looking to find a job, a better job or another job to help them get back on their feet.
You may still be down and out from the last couple of years or looking to advance yourself to a better paying job. I've been watching the group for a while and there have been lots of good paying jobs, some with benefits and some career jobs open.
Wyoming is one of the states that has seen the workforce numbers growing and the unemployment numbers shrinking ever since the pandemic in 2020. One of the best parts of that is that if you currently have a job, but are looking to make a move, there are plenty of jobs on the market just waiting for you.
With more and more jobs on the market and since everyone doesn't have the same skillset, you have a pretty good chance of getting that job that is right up your alley.
Currently there are over 13,000 people that are a part of the group and it's been around for 13 years. Not only is this Facebook page for posting jobs you have available, but people that are looking for specific jobs will post too. So if you're an employer looking to hire new workers, you may be able to find and reach out to potential employees.
If you're in your 40's or older, remember how you used to have to go out and find a job? Drive around looking for signs in the window or just put an application in everywhere and hope? Today you can find a job while scrolling and reading what everyone made for dinner.
Good luck.