City of Casper Hosting ‘Earth Day Yard Sale’ Starting This Month
The City of Casper wants to get help you get your yard in summer shape.
The annual Earth Day Yard Sale begins on the actual Earth Day holiday, this Saturday (April 22nd, 2023).
The official Earth Day Yard Sale Facebook event states:
Shop industrial-quality compost and environmentally friendly woodchips at wholesale prices – and we’ll do the heavy lifting.

The event details are as follows:
- WHEN: Saturday, April 22nd, 2023 through Saturday, May 6th, 2023 | begins at 7:30am
- WHERE: 1886 Station Rd, Casper, WY 82609, United States
- COST: For a complete list of products and pricing, click here.
The official City of Casper website gives a little more detailed information (and quite a few amusing puns), about the event, stating:
Whether you want to turn over a new leaf this summer or are ready to keep growing last year’s projects, the City of Casper’s annual compost and woodchip sale is where you need to be shopping.
Your garden will dig the City’s temperature-controlled, nutrient-rich compost engineered by organic processes and tended with expertise and compassion.
Each year, we oxygenize thousands of pounds in decomposed wood chips, grass, leaves and manure with water and manual turning. The decomposition process creates heat, and we keep our windrows at 130-160 degrees for at least three months to kill weed seeds. Finally, we’ll sift through all this material with a fine screen to remove any undecomposed elements. The result? An earthy, crumbly consistency that your garden soils will eat up – and keep Casper growing.
Mark you calendars and set your reminders so you don't miss out on the 2023 Earth Day Yard Sale.
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