Goodmorning Sunshine! Casper Weather Forecast is Warm & Dry for the Rest of the Week
According to the National Weather Service, today's forecast is mostly sunny with a high near 68 degrees.
Is this the last week we'll be using our air conditioners in Natrona County this year? Or worrying about chocolate melting in the front seat? Maybe, folks.
The weather service predicts the possibility of snow next week with temps dipping below 32 degrees. After that we'll start to see leaves dropping and early morning frost settling on ground foliage.
That being said, we've got mostly sunny skies for the rest of this week and weekend with little to no clouds in the sky. It's the perfect chance to get outdoors and have some fun.
Finding Beauty Amongst Beasts: Casper Artist Creates Quilts to Express Grief Over Husband's Passing
Yong Hui Torske's husband died in January of 2020. And despite her overwhelming grief, she never stopped taking in the beauty around her. To honor her husband, and to express her own grief, she made 14 quilts, based on photographs she took of the beauty around her while she sat at her husband's bedside.
Halloween House in Mills
A Mills woman is going all out for Halloween, showcasing a variety of decorations and video projections, complete with radio synchronization.
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