Grab the Salt! I’ve Got Your Last-Minute, DIY Halloween Costume
This costume is completely relevant, timely and one I'm sure plenty of people would get a kick out of.
If you're like me, you just made plans with your friends to celebrate Halloween this weekend. Last minute plans also mean that you probably need a last minute costume. Rather than run all over town or spend ridiculous amounts of money trying to have the perfect costume over-nighted, why not just grab the salt.
Salt + Basic Clothes = "Salt Bae."
You remember this guy right? He became Insta-famous just for doing what he does best, cutting a steak and finishing it off with a little salt. Brilliant, right? And so incredibly simple.
All you have to do is grab some black pants, white T-shirt, sunglasses, and salt. You can certainly amp thing sup with a black wig pulled back into a ponytail. If you've got access to mascara or eye liner, you can paint on some facial and chest hair. And if you feel like it, grab yourself a rubber steak.
You're welcome.
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