Which Dish Do Wyoming Residents Say is the Best?
The locals are always the ones who know where the good food is.
One thing that I love to do is play tourist. I love traveling to new countries, states and towns and exploring. We live in such a beautiful, diverse world with so much to offer if we just go looking for it. The best people to consult when it comes to the who-what-where of where your visiting are the locals.
This couldn't be more true than with food.
I found this video of 50 people from 50 different states sharing what they believe are the best dishes in each state. Of course, one person probably can't speak for the entire state and everyone has their own opinion. However, for the most part, these answers were pretty accurate.
Our champion of Wyoming arrives at the 1:52 mark. She proclaims that Wyoming's best dish is the Rock Mountain Oysters. I can neither confirm nor deny this because I have never had one and probably never will. This may revoke my Wyoming card, but I don't think I can get past what they truly are even if they do taste like chicken.
Watch the video below and try not to get hungry...