Wyoming Has Made Motley Crue’s Nikki Sixx into an Avid Fisherman
Wyoming has a way of changing you. You may come to our state with one state of mind and then you realize that you see things differently after you've been here awhile. That seems to be true of Motley Crue's Nikki Sixx who now seems to be an avid fisherman.
Check out these pics that Nikki just shared on Instagram recently. Nikki's friend Mike took him out for a float down the river near his Wyoming home.
This wasn't just a one-off trip out with the rod and reel. Nikki also was a little too busy for music work the other day when we was loading up a different kind of gear.
Nikki's love affair with Wyoming has won over his entire family as his date night photo had quite a spectacular backdrop.
If you love Wyoming and don't mind some Motley Crue every once in awhile, Nikki is a must-follow on Instagram. This Wyomingite loves his state and shares images of it all the time. Love it.