Casper College Extends Spring Break; Classes Will be Conducted Remotely
Casper College will shift to remote instruction after an extended spring break because of concerns about the novel coronavirus COVID-19, the school announced Friday morning.
The college extended spring break by one week through March 29, and the campus will remain open with all college and student services available.
On March 30, classes will resume by remote instruction or depending on instructors' directions. Instructors will contact their students by Moodle by March 25.
On March 23, the college will resume operations with food service, and the Early Childhood Learning Center.
Remote instruction will be in effect through April 12, but may be extended if necessary.
In other campus activity, administrative operations will continue and employees are expected to work as normal.
The college is assessing all events on an individual basis. It also discourages hosting or attending any nonessential large gatherings.
For college groups, refer questions to the appropriate dean or vice president. Noncollege groups that plan to host events or meetings on campus should contact the facilities scheduler.
Casper College also has canceled until further notice all college-related international travel and discourages all personal international travel.
College-sponsored domestic travel that has been approved from March 13 through April 12 must be evaluated and reconfirmed by deans or the appropriate vice president, and no additional college-sponsored domestic travel during that time will be allowed without prior approval from the appropriate vice president.
COVID-19 is a highly contagious virus that causes fever, coughing and shortness of breath that can be fatal especially to the elderly and people with compromised immune systems.

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