Few Physicians + High Premiums Add to Wyoming’s Health Care Woes
Health care seems to be a hot button of debate these days, but Wyoming could use some help.
There are resounding voices on both sides of health care issues and sometimes it's enough to make your head spin. However if you strip the politics off of it, you're left with two basic factors; cost and service quality. This can vary from state to state, but on average Americans spend nearly $10,000 on health care every single year.
At least according to WalletHub's data.
They took a look at each state to determine which states are the best and worst for healthcare. Of course they looked at cost and service quality, but they also examined accessibility and outcome.
Wyoming could be doing better.
With a 31 ranking overall, Wyoming is not scraping the bottom of the barrel, but we're certainly not the top dogs. There are key areas that the Cowboy state struggled in. We have some of the highest monthly insurance premiums in the country. In addition, Wyoming has some of the lowest percentages of medical residents who stay in the state to continue their career. This is no surprise as Wyoming also has one of the lowest number of physicians per Capita (only Idaho has fewer).
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