LOOK: Casper Kids Build Awesome Igloo During Record Breaking Snow
If there was only one good thing that came from our recent record breaking snowfall, is that the local kiddos got to enjoy it properly.
With most of the roads being closed in and out of the city, most of the town being shutdown and school being out, after children finished their virtual learning, it was play time.
When you have a plethora of snow, that means snow ice cream and snowmen, but a group of Casper kids took it to the next level by building a two-room igloo. I can't lie. I'm a little jealous of their hard work and ingenuity.
Props to the four children: Morgan Randels, Grace Beitzinger, Suzanna Randels and Parker Beitzinger.
Check out these awesome photos, inside and out, of their backyard igloos.
Casper Kids Build Awesome Igloo During Record Breaking Snow
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