The Casper College School of Health Science will present a spooky and fun night of X-rayed Halloween treats, a haunted house, carnival, and treats for all those who visit the Saunders Health Science Center at Casper College on Halloween night.

Laurie Weaver, chair of the radiography department at Casper College said,

“During the night, the Casper College Student Radiography Association and radiography faculty will X-ray Halloween treats,we will be handing out goodies and prizes to all the children and they will get to keep the X-ray of their candy,”

Children will also be able to watch the radiography students X-ray their candy and help develop the film, according to Weaver.

A haunted house for those 8 and older as well as a carnival for those 7 and under will also be available.

Everyone attending is asked to bring a canned or nonperishable food item, which will be donated to a local charity.  In addition to the Casper College Student Radiography Association, members of the Casper College Student Nursing Association as well as students from the respiratory and paramedic programs will be helping with the event.

The Halloween activities will take place throughout the Saunders Health Science Center from 6 to 8 p.m. The Saunders Health Science Center is located on the Casper College campus.

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