Wyoming Ranked Average In The U.S. For ‘Drunkest States During The Holiday Season’
The Cowboy State isn't at the bottom, but we're not on the top either when it comes to Holiday binge drinking.
A recent study conducted by Sunrisehouse.com shows the top 10 drunkest states over the holiday season. While Wyoming didn't top the list, considering our population density, you'd think we would have faired better.
SunriseHouse surveyed 3,000 Americans, aged 21+ and found that the average American consumes three alcoholic drinks per day over the holiday period. Wyoming is right there at the average, which isn't bad compared to our neighbors in North Dakota that average 8 a day. We understand it's the holidays and most are on vacation, but 8 drinks a day? What's really going on there? Our Colorado brethren are tied with us at 3 a day. Shockingly, South Dakota is among the least drunkest this Christmas season averaging a meager 2 drinks a day.
The study also showed some pretty scary statistics which include:
- The average American admits they drink 27% more during the festive season as compared to the rest of the year.
- 1 in 5 employees admit they drink every day that they are off work over the holidays.
- 17% of people say they have a boozy breakfast on Christmas Day.
- A quarter consider themselves a ‘heavy drinker’ during the holidays.
- 27% of respondents drink stronger liquor during the festive season.
'Tis the season to be jolly, indeed.
Do you plan on throwing back a few alcoholic beverages each day over the holidays? Just make sure if you drink, definitely don't drive!