David Street Station Searching For 2018 Christmas Tree
Do you have this year's David Street Station Community Christmas Tree?!
Last year David Street Station had a marvelous glow from the first-ever community Christmas tree. The huge Colorado blue spruce had outgrown its surroundings and was causing issues in front of its home. However, the season of giving worked in our Casper's favor and the timing couldn’t have been more perfect. The proud owners of this beautiful tree graciously donated it to become Casper’s first community Christmas tree.
Through the generosity of some amazing local businesses, it was successfully cut down, transported, lifted, set in place and decorated just in time for its lighting prior to the annual downtown Christmas parade. To keep this tradition going, the search is on for the 2nd annual David Street Station Community Christmas Tree!
If you or someone you know has a tree that needs to be relocated, for a valid reason, please snap a photo of that beauty and share it via private message to David Street Station on Facebook. Please also include a quick blurb about the history of the tree and why it needs to be removed. The winning tree will be selected by the Downtown Development Authority on November 1st, 2018 and will light up the downtown area prior to this year’s Christmas parade and grand opening of the David Street Station ice skating rink on November 24th.