Natrona County Arrest Log (9/15/21 – 9/20/21)
This log may not reflect all arrests for this time period. For example, police will not release any information about juvenile arrests. State law prohibits any official from identifying a person accused of a sex crime until the defendant is arraigned in district court.
Everyone listed here is presumed innocent until proven guilty.
The charges listed here are what the arresting agency has recommended to the Natrona County District Attorney's Office. However, formal charges filed by prosecutors may differ from the recommended charges listed here.
Here is the list of arrested people and their charges as reflected in the logs:
Alice Amy -- Attempts/Conspire, Del of Controlled Substance, Controlled Substance Possession, Possession with Intent/Deliver, Controlled Substance Possession
Mathew Archibeque -- Apply Pressure on Throat or Neck, False Imprisonment, Domestic Battery - 1st Offense, Hold for probation and Parole
Marcel Brown -- Fail to Appear, Criminal Warrant
Michael Brown -- Trespassing
Michael Brundige -- Criminal Warrant, Fail to Appear
Bobby Davis -- Malicious Mischief Prohibited-Structure
Kadin Eastlund -- Hold for CAC
Duane Evenson -- Walk Along Roadway When Sidewalk Provided, Theft - $1000 or More
Dukhan Flowers -- Criminal Warrant
Tyler Gomez -- Shoplifting, Trespassing, Criminal Warrant
Dalton Griswold -- : Fail to Comply, Fail to Appear, Possess Controlled Substance- Powder or Crystal -, Drive While License Cancelled, Suspended or Revoked
Sarah Groth -- Disturbing the Peace-Causes, provokes, e
Robb Hrabe -- Substance Possession Meth
Michael Izatt -- Fail to Comply
Matthew Jensen -- Hold for probation and Parole, Fail to Comply, Hold for CAC
Timmothy Jones -- Contract Hold/billing
Mariah Kemme -- Serve Jail Time
Franklin Lanier -- DWUI, Duty to Notify Owner
Amber McQueary -- Leave The Scene of Accident-Bodily Injury, DWUI (1st Offense or 2nd Offense Within)
Dean Murrain -- Possess Controlled Substance- Powder or Crystal -
Jennifer Myers -- Fail to Comply x2, Controlled Substance Possession Meth
Arthur Penrod -- Convicted Felon Possess Firearm, Possess Controlled Substance - Powder or Crystal -, Weapons-Discharge Firearms and Other Weapon, Disturbing the Peace-Causes, provokes, e, Reckless Endangering: Firearm
Deangela Picek -- Criminal Warrant, Fail to Appear x2
Samantha Purdin -- Fail to Appear, Fail to Comply, County Warrant/Hold for Agency x3
Raymond Ramirez -- Hold for probation and Parole
Jazmine Rehak -- Bond Revocation
Zzayn Richards -- DWUS, Complimentary Auto Insurance, Reg Violation (GEN), Controlled Substance Possession Meth
Eugene Ridgley -- Public Intoxication Prohibited
Carlos Salazar -- Assault and Battery, Property Damage-Injuring /Defacing/Destroy
Devon Sherman -- Fail to Comply, County Warrant/Hold for Agency
Stephanie Sitting Eagle -- DUI: Alcohol 0.08% or More
Braxton Smith -- County Warrant/Hold for Agency
Brittany Spaulding -- Hold for probation and Parole, Fail to Comply, Fail to Appear
Brenda Sutton -- Possession with Intent/Deliver, Unauthorized Use of Vehicle, Valid Drivers License
Kayelee Thomas -- Attempt and Conspire - Felony, Manufacture or Deliver Controlled Substance - Schedule I, II , Possess Controlled Substance- Powder or Crystal -
Christina Weber -- Fail to Comply
Dalco Whiteman -- Contract Hold/billing
Dustin Yearout -- Controlled Substance Possession Meth, County Warrant/Hold for Agency