Co-Ed Volleyball League Starting Soon At The Casper Recreation Center
If volleyball is your sport of choice, get your co-ed team together now!
The Casper Recreation Center is gearing up for the 2019 Winter/Spring Co-ed adult volleyball league, which takes place from February 25th until May 9th, 2019. The team fee is $275. The minimum number of players per team is six (6) with the maximum number being ten (10).
The registration deadline is February 7th, 2019 (or earlier if the league fills to capacity). Games are held on weeknights at the Casper Recreation Center after 5:50pm. There are several divisions available for all levels of volleyball skill.
All pertinent information is included in the registration packets. In previous years, the league filled to capacity with over 100 teams and 900 players! Be sure to get your team in well before the deadline to ensure your teams gets into this popular league.
Team managers may register in person at the Casper Recreation Center. For any additional information, please call 307-235-8383 visit www.crlasports.com.
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