Jeffree Star Gives More Details About Wyoming Move During Exclusive ‘ET’ Interview
Casper's newest celebrity transplant, Jeffree Star, dropped a bomb on the planet on June 15th, 2021, when he announced his plans to sell his California mansion and move to Casper, Wyoming, fulltime.
Recently, Star did an exclusive ET (Entertainment Tonight) interview and spoke more on why he choose to move here. He also spoke up again on the false Kanye West affair rumors and why he's choosing to stay single at this point in time.

Jeffree also opened up about going through a creative dry spell for the first time in seven years. He stated:
I think Wyoming brings me so much joy and it really reset me...
It was definitely interesting to hear him talk about Wyoming in such a positive light. As a matter fact, his only real knock on us (if you can even call it that), is our very small dating scene, which most Wyomingites are aware of, due to our small population.
You can check out the entire 8-minute interview below.
15 Questions You Should Never Ask Someone From Wyoming
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